A team with a vision, a dream for a reason. To Go Green. Every step they put takes them closes to greener world. The team of EcoSoch along with Sunlit Future are ready for another step ahead to go.

391kW system installation in a Garment Factory right in the city of Bengaluru.

All the Best to the whole team of Sunlit and EcoSoch.

The best part is the milestone we are achieving with this project. We are proudly announcing that we will be crossing 2MW installation with this project.

EcoSoch thanks heartfully all its customers, well-wishers, friends and family members for their support in letting us walk towards sustainable living.

Team is on for the project and will be finishing before end of June. We are all waiting to make a huge change.

Thinking about the change, it may be difficult to understand but easy to bring.


Ready to bring the change


Planning the change

Interesting facts are,

400 tonnes/Year Carbon foot print through this project.

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