Procedure to obtain BESCOM permissions to install Solar Rooftop Power Plant
using Grid connection
Initial documents needed to begin the procedure:
  1. One photo of the person in whose name the electricity connection is in (Name of the person in Electricity Bill).
  2. Latest electricity bill
  3. Cancelled cheque (of the account to which any amount to be transferred from BESCOM will be transferred)

Step1- Online Registration

Log on to bescom website onto the link: BESCOM online application page. Input the needed data like account number, mobile number etc. This page allows us to do the initial payments and register for the SRTPV(Solar Roof-top PV System) system. Here we can upload the photo and electricity bill as well.
Step-2- Offline Application
Once the online application is done, take a print-out of the same and along with formats 1, 1A, 3, 4 duly filled, approach the sub-division and make the offline application.
Step-3- Technical feasibility and Revenue report
The revenue report has to be signed by the Accounts Officer(AO) of the subdivision and for the technical feasibility report the Junior Engineer/Assistant Engineer(JE/AE) would come to the site and check the pole and transformer details. 
Step-4- Signing Format 5
Once the formats 3 and 4 are signed, take the documents to the AEE(Assistant Executive Engineer) for signing the format 5 which is the intimation for signing the PPA(Power Purchase Agreement). Once AEE signs the format 5, prepare the PPA(two copies on e-stamp paper of 200 Rs) for net metering.
Step-5- Signing the PPA and Format 6A
After getting the PPA as per step 4, take it to the AEE for signing the same and also get the format 6A(for net metering) which is the approval for installing the system.
In some cases, the AEE give format 5, PPA and format 6A signed together.
Step-6- Install the system and in parallel order the bi-directional meter from IRO Solutions
Step-7- Submit the Work Completion Report
After completing the installation, fill the format-7 with the details of installation like panel, inverter, bi-directional meter, earthing etc. and submit to the AEE asking him for installing the meter and commissioning the system.
Step-8- Meter installation and System Commissioning
The AEE or any person authorized by the AEE will come to the site, check the installation parameters and install the bi-directional meter and commission the system. Format 8 also will be signed by the AEE.
Step-9- Synchronisation report
After commissioning the system, the AEE should give the format 9 signed which is the certificate for synchronisation.
Step-10- Moving the entire file for bi-directional meter billing
The completed file should be moved to the Accounts department for initiating the billing from the bi-directional meter.
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