June 2020

Solar Generation in Bangalore

By |2020-06-19T01:20:29+05:30June 19th, 2020|

Solar Installation at Rainbow Drive Villa Community, Bangalore | India Solar Plant Generation in Bangalore, India Generation during Monsoon Season? “Does it work at all in the monsoon months?” “I don’t think Bangalore is an ideal place for Solar Rooftop [...]

April 2020

Inspection of Solar Rooftop Plant by Solar Care

By |2020-04-14T17:30:32+05:30April 14th, 2020|

Introduction: Solar plant inspection is absolutely necessary once the system is install. It is generally advise to have the system check before plant is commission. We at EcoSoch Solar follow a strict policy of checking all our plant once installed. Solar care is a division within EcoSoch who is responsible for Solar plant Inspection. [...]

Project Management and Installation by EcoSoch Solar.

By |2020-04-09T17:44:21+05:30April 9th, 2020|

Ever wondered, How a Solar company manages and handels a project? How are they effectively able to install a power plant on your rooftop? Well like any other business solar EPC company do have many activities happening in the background. We are here to make it easy for you to understand some aspects of [...]

December 2019

Expected changes in Solar Policy by KERC & BESCOM in Karnataka

By |2019-12-20T12:49:20+05:30December 20th, 2019|

Blog on : How solar policy has changed over the years in Karnataka and forebode changes that are expected to come up in the future after the current policy expires on March 31st, 2020 Background:   The first Karnataka state solar rooftop policy has come into effect in Oct 2013. This policy was set up by the [...]

October 2017

20 Benefits In Going Solar On Our Homes Now

By |2018-01-17T18:20:53+05:30October 18th, 2017|

1. Reduce your electricity bill The immediate benefit of it is to drastically reduce your electricity bill to zero or near zero. Solar is a one-time investment with a guaranteed life of 25 years. With the 25 years of Power purchase agreement between you and the state government, while the electricity that you [...]

June 2017

July 2016

Lead Acid Batteries vs Lithium Ion Batteries

By |2018-01-17T18:20:54+05:30July 16th, 2016|

Why is energy storage necessary? It’s often suggested to install energy storage systems when we go for off grid type where there is no other source of energy supply other than renewable type to ensure uninterrupted power to the loads. Often its very useful to have energy storage systems powered by renewable sources because they [...]

Why Solar Panels are installed at certain Angle?

By |2021-01-19T21:04:59+05:30July 4th, 2016|

A hundred and fifty million kilometers away from earth, being a nearly perfect sphere of hot plasma, sun emits around 3.86×1026 watts of energy. But only 1.74×1017 watts of energy is received by earth with the world’s yearly consumption being around 1.8×1013 watts. Harnessing this amount of energy from sun would save the earth [...]

March 2015

CPRI Certificate on Super Fan’s Air Delivery Capacity

By |2018-01-17T18:20:55+05:30March 8th, 2015|

The Central Power Research Institute is an autonomous society under the Ministry of Power, Govt. of India. In their Fan Testing Laboratory, ELECTRIC CEILING FANs are tested as per IS: 374 -1979 specification. This is published by the BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS which is The National Standards Body of India. Air Delivery Test at CPRI Here is [...]

SuperFans are 5 Star Certified by BEE (Bureau of Energy Efficiency).

By |2018-01-17T18:20:55+05:30March 5th, 2015|

The Government of India set up Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) (Website: http://www.bee-india.nic.in) on 1st March 2002 under the provisions of the Energy Conservation Act, 2001. The mission of the Bureau of Energy Efficiency is to assist in developing policies and strategies with a thrust on self-regulation and market principles, within the overall framework of [...]