June 2020

Solar Generation in Bangalore

By |2020-06-19T01:20:29+05:30June 19th, 2020|

Solar Installation at Rainbow Drive Villa Community, Bangalore | India Solar Plant Generation in Bangalore, India Generation during Monsoon Season? “Does it work at all in the monsoon months?” “I don’t think Bangalore is an ideal place for Solar Rooftop [...]

April 2020

EcoSoch and Electric Mobility

By |2020-04-21T17:52:04+05:30April 11th, 2020|

With Electric Vehicle transportation evolving, it is quite frequent these days to meet our prospective customers and end up having discussions on the future of mobility and not just solar. And most of the times the purchase of solar system just become a formality. With talk going about various electric vehicles, batteries and charging [...]

Project Management and Installation by EcoSoch Solar.

By |2020-04-09T17:44:21+05:30April 9th, 2020|

Ever wondered, How a Solar company manages and handels a project? How are they effectively able to install a power plant on your rooftop? Well like any other business solar EPC company do have many activities happening in the background. We are here to make it easy for you to understand some aspects of [...]

Confused on how to apply for a Solar Rooftop plant?

By |2020-06-02T22:34:12+05:30April 2nd, 2020|

Solar panels installed on top of an Apartment by EcoSoch Solar. Well, we are here to make it easy for you with this blog. The very first step is to apply online at DISCOM website for SRTPV.Under this comes the Application Form for Grid connected system for net metering. This will have [...]

August 2018

June 2018

February 2018

May 2017

Impact on Solar with GST

By |2017-08-25T18:06:51+05:30May 24th, 2017|

With the new GST, Solar rooftop will be impacted with an increase of overall cost by at least 5% from the existing cost. What is GST? How does it impact Solar Rooftop sector? GST means Goods and Service Tax which will be one indirect tax for the whole country. GST is a single tax, right [...]

December 2014

Burn Coal so that Solar can take over later!

By |2017-11-17T16:32:00+05:30December 2nd, 2014|

Thinking like an environmentalist and as a solar evangelist, I would prefer India to reduce its dependency on coal drastically and switch over to SUN immediately to combat Climate Change. Here is the Dilemma!  As a socio-economic activist, we I prefer to accelerate it’s Development, by any energy means, of all of its 300 Million [...]