October 2017

New BESCOM tariff order for in respect of Multiple/Combined Solar Rooftop Photovoltaic (SRTPV) Installations in a single premises

By |2018-01-17T18:20:52+05:30October 19th, 2017|

A new policy has been drafted for buildings with multiple BESCOM meters and wants to go for multiple solar PV installations. This allows for installation of multiple solar PV systems in common roof-top area. BESCOM allows options of both net and gross metering with this order depending on how the connections are to be made. [...]

December 2014

Burn Coal so that Solar can take over later!

By |2017-11-17T16:32:00+05:30December 2nd, 2014|

Thinking like an environmentalist and as a solar evangelist, I would prefer India to reduce its dependency on coal drastically and switch over to SUN immediately to combat Climate Change. Here is the Dilemma!  As a socio-economic activist, we I prefer to accelerate it’s Development, by any energy means, of all of its 300 Million [...]

November 2014

Solar is cheaper than Coal based energy

By |2018-01-17T18:20:55+05:30November 29th, 2014|

Solar and Wind energy sources  had two main issues. They were expensive and were not immediately dispatchable. But at utility scale they are not expensive any more. Internationally, in Texas, U.S,  Austin Energy, a solar developer, has agreed to supply the power from their solar farm at 5 cents a kilo-watt hour. That's Rs 3.11 [...]

July 2014

Energy Needs and World Population

By |2017-09-22T15:32:24+05:30July 15th, 2014|

There are 7 billion+ humans on earth to feed and meet the energy requirements of. This number is growing exponentially. It means that we are a successful species. Every successful species has altered the environment to such an unfavourable level that the species became extinct. If humans want to survive for a long time,  we [...]

June 2014

May 2014