June 2024

How solar panel issues are resolved by EcoSoch’s in-house service team – SolarCare

By |2024-06-21T17:30:26+05:30June 21st, 2024|

How solar panel issues are resolved by EcoSoch's in-house service team - SolarCare To reap the full benefits of the solar investment, regular maintenance and professional support are essential. SolarCare provides solutions to issues like internet connectivity, generation issues, component failure or any issue with electricity bill and BESCOM. SolarCare has [...]

June 2020

Solar Generation in Bangalore

By |2020-06-19T01:20:29+05:30June 19th, 2020|

Solar Installation at Rainbow Drive Villa Community, Bangalore | India Solar Plant Generation in Bangalore, India Generation during Monsoon Season? “Does it work at all in the monsoon months?” “I don’t think Bangalore is an ideal place for Solar Rooftop [...]

How panel level monitoring has helped…

By |2020-06-18T12:42:51+05:30June 14th, 2020|

We will have a look at a couple of our sites where we have installed solar panels with SolarEdge systems and how module level monitoring of panels has helped us in identifying issues. Case Study I -  Solar Panels @ Krishi Group, Bangalore  We noticed that 2 of the solar panels were producing less [...]

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April 2020

MNRE To Treat Lockdown Due To Covid-19 as Force Majeure

By |2020-04-22T12:31:51+05:30April 21st, 2020|

"With the MNRE lockdown extension, all the solar rooftop customers of Bescom in Bangalore whose projects were stalled due to Covid, could be relieved from not being able to complete the projects with the deadlines as per their Power purchase agreement. ” Ministry of New and Renewable Energy ( MNRE ) has issued a [...]

Inspection of Solar Rooftop Plant by Solar Care

By |2020-04-14T17:30:32+05:30April 14th, 2020|

Introduction: Solar plant inspection is absolutely necessary once the system is install. It is generally advise to have the system check before plant is commission. We at EcoSoch Solar follow a strict policy of checking all our plant once installed. Solar care is a division within EcoSoch who is responsible for Solar plant Inspection. [...]

Project Management and Installation by EcoSoch Solar.

By |2020-04-09T17:44:21+05:30April 9th, 2020|

Ever wondered, How a Solar company manages and handels a project? How are they effectively able to install a power plant on your rooftop? Well like any other business solar EPC company do have many activities happening in the background. We are here to make it easy for you to understand some aspects of [...]

Confused on how to apply for a Solar Rooftop plant?

By |2020-06-02T22:34:12+05:30April 2nd, 2020|

Solar panels installed on top of an Apartment by EcoSoch Solar. Well, we are here to make it easy for you with this blog. The very first step is to apply online at DISCOM website for SRTPV.Under this comes the Application Form for Grid connected system for net metering. This will have [...]

October 2017

How to read a Bidirectional meter?

By |2018-02-18T06:52:05+05:30October 17th, 2017|

My colleague always compares Solar PV Rooftop system with the human body, when he is discussing solar energy generation to a person who doesn’t have any technical background. So, it is easy to create a good impact and understanding in the listener. Here is his starting statement, “Solar panel is the heart of the [...]

October 2016

Net metering Vs Gross Metering- Basics

By |2018-01-17T18:20:53+05:30October 4th, 2016|

Till recently the policy in Karnataka for some of the consumers had been Gross metering(GM) and some had Net Metering(NM). A recent circular from BESCOM has given option for some of the consumer segments- residential, hospitals and institutional the option for opting between gross and net metering. So what are the two types of metering? And [...]

July 2016

Wayanad Diary II

By |2018-01-17T18:20:53+05:30July 28th, 2016|

With Ranga and myself already on site, waiting for team to come for next interesting project. In-fact it will one of the most challenging projects in our list. We are prepared to stay in an half built house, between the dense forest surrounded by the gigantic Banasura hill and other small hills covered by greens everywhere. [...]