April 2020

Project Management and Installation by EcoSoch Solar.

By |2020-04-09T17:44:21+05:30April 9th, 2020|

Ever wondered, How a Solar company manages and handels a project? How are they effectively able to install a power plant on your rooftop? Well like any other business solar EPC company do have many activities happening in the background. We are here to make it easy for you to understand some aspects of [...]

November 2014

Solar is cheaper than Coal based energy

By |2018-01-17T18:20:55+05:30November 29th, 2014|

Solar and Wind energy sources  had two main issues. They were expensive and were not immediately dispatchable. But at utility scale they are not expensive any more. Internationally, in Texas, U.S,  Austin Energy, a solar developer, has agreed to supply the power from their solar farm at 5 cents a kilo-watt hour. That's Rs 3.11 [...]